Customers Read Your Company Reviews

RevuNow is a review collection and management platform that makes your business get noticed. Online search, today, is driven by customer reviews. We make it easy for consumers to create immediate reviews about your business that instantly get posted and noticed on the major search engines in your industry.

Manage Your Reputation With RevuNow's Online Reviews, Surveys and Evaluations.

No other reputation management system makes it easier to keep your "finger on the pulse" of your customers. Get immediate reviews, create custom surveys and generate evaluations, online and monitor and review the exact feedback, real-time!

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Increase exposure on the sites most important to your business

Great reviews are not the same for everyone. For example, Attorneys and Doctors will want industry specific reviews, while restaurants or entertainment venues would want reviews aligned more with a social source. We allow you to build your stature in specific areas and provide feedback directly tied to your field of expertise.

Post Immediate Reviews

Use today's mobile explosion to immediately create online reviews for your business. Our platform produces 20 times more online reviews that the traditional email review requests. More real-time reviews equal more business for your company.

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Impact Local SEO

Your Search Engine Rankings are directly impacted by customer reviews. Additionally, a company with reviews will stand out on the page and attract more visitors to your business. Studies prove, businesses with reviews are viewed more than 4 to 1 over those without.

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Obtain Valuable Feedback

With RevuNow, you have immediate access to all customer feedback. See where your business is doing things right, and where you need improvement. Monitor your new promotional efforts. Interact with your audience, use our tools and deliver more of what they want.

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Gain Business Insight

Get a better understanding of where your business needs attention. Immediately see the results of your hard work. Have the data available to make smart business decisions to help improve your business or to analize new peoducts and services.

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Increase Brand Trust

Let your customers and prospects know what a great business you are. Reviews posted on various platforms indicate you are a responsible and trustworthy company. Our platform allows reviewers to select where the review is posted, spreading that trust across all reviews sites.

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Incentivise Your Staff

Reward your top producers or company cheerleaders by incentivising your staff to request reviews We track the origins of the review to make it easy to incentivize support personnel who are responsible for spreading the word about your business.

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